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Enema Solutions to Cleanse and Detox Your Body


  • For centuries, people have used enema solutions to treat constipation, bowel issues, and colon cleansing.
  • The advantages include improved circulation, increased energy, weight loss, skin clearing, liver detoxification, etc.
  • Continue reading to find out about eight different types of enema solutions, as well as how they can help you keep your bowels moving.

For centuries, people have used enema solutions to treat constipation, bowel issues, and colon cleansing. The advantages of enemas, however, extend even further in the body. Enemas aid in the elimination of toxins that have accumulated in the body. The advantages include improved circulation, increased energy, weight loss, skin clearing, liver detoxification, improved regularity, bowel cleansing, and more.

What is an enema?

A rectum enema is a procedure in which a liquid solution is inserted into the colon through a tube. Heavy metals can be detoxified, the gut disease can be reversed, and the immune system boosted depending on the ingredients in your enema kit. Hot water enemas and coffee enemas are two popular enema options. They’re typically used to relieve constipation or to clear the bowels before a medical procedure. Continue reading to learn how much water is too much for an enema.

What you’ll need for an at-home enema

  • A stainless-steel enema bucket or a clear enema bag with medical-grade silicone enema tubing can be purchased as part of an enema kit. Residential Enema Kit, $40 (get 10% off with code: DAVE), and The Perfect Enema Bag Kit, $18, are two popular enema kits.
  • Filtered water (2-4 cups)
  • Ingredients of your choice from the recipes listed below (coffee, probiotics, herbs, Epsom salt, etc.)
  • Small saucepan
  • Cheesecloth and a fine mesh strainer
  • Towels, yoga mat, pillow, and anything else you’ll need to feel at ease while lying on the floor. You could also relax in your freshly cleaned bathtub.
  • Organic, unrefined raw coconut oil is a good lubricant.

How to do an enema

  • The good time to do an enema is after your first bowel movement in the morning.
  • Cool your enema solution and cool to lukewarm (37-40 degrees Celsius or 98-104 degrees Fahrenheit).
  • Using a strainer and cheesecloth, double-check that your solution has been thoroughly filtered.
  • Make sure your clamp is closed before pouring your solution into the enema bag or bucket.
  • The bucket or bag should be placed higher than your body, such as beside you on a chair or counter or hung from the shower rod.
  • Prepare the area you’ll be lying in, then lie down in a foetal position on your right side.
  • Carefully unlock your enema clamp to allow the liquid to fill the tubing, then tighten it.
  • Apply coconut oil to the tip of your nozzle and gently insert it 2 inches into your rectum. To make insertion easier, keep your right leg straight and your left leg towards your chest.
  • Allow the enema solution to flow by unlocking the clamp. If you’re having trouble breathing, pinch your tube to slow it down.
  • Stop clamping when you notice air bubbles in your tubing.
  • As long as you can, stay in this position. Depending on the type of enema you’re performing, you can start slowly and work your way up to 2-15 minutes.
  • Sit on the toilet and let out a sigh of relief.

Water enema for cleansing the colon

Water enemas are the most basic type of enema available. They aid in colon cleansing and stool softening. When performing CT scans in hospitals, water enemas are frequently used to distend the area being scanned in order to detect what is going on.

Water enemas for constipation and faecal incontinence have shown to be effective in reducing constipation in both children and adults. The use of enema additives like oil or vegetable glycerin significantly improves continence rates.

If you’re new to enemas, this is the best place to start before experimenting with other ingredients. It’s crucial to drink filtered water because chlorine can harm your gut flora.

How to make a water enema

Of course, this is the simplest solution. Only 2-4 cups of water are required.

Bring the water to a boil on the stovetop. Remove from the heat and set aside to cool to lukewarm. This is critical, so do not skip it.

Coffee enemas for detoxification

Coffee enemas have been used to detox the body and fight cancer for decades; they’re an important part of cancer patients’ Gerson Therapy, and their popularity is growing. Coffee’s caffeine has been shown to open the bile ducts, increasing bile production and flow. Additionally, coffee increases glutathione production in the liver by 600-700 percent above normal levels. The body’s “master antioxidant,” glutathione, is essential for detoxification. It also aids in support of energy, the improvement of immune function, and the improvement of mental clarity. Free radicals are neutralized by glutathione, which is dissolved in bile and excreted from the body.

The blood circulates through the liver 4-5 times while holding the enema for 10-15 minutes!

Wendy Meyers, founder of Myers Detox, a functional diagnostic nutritionist and holistic health coach, recently spoke about coffee enemas on a Bulletproof Radio podcast episode, telling Dave that they’re a great way to speed up the body’s detoxification process.

Heavy metal toxicity should be cleansed with a coffee enema 2-3 times per week, according to Meyers. Any more than that can cause the body to lose other minerals. She suggests doing it once a week if you’re in good health. Those who suffer from chronic illness have done them on a daily or multiple daily basis.

What is the best way to make a coffee enema solution?

It’s critical to use organic, mold-free coffee beans for the coffee enema, such as Bulletproof Coffee, which won’t add any more toxins to your system.

Using filtered water and 2 tablespoons of ground coffee, make 3 cups of coffee. Ensure that all of the beans have been filtered out of the solution. To avoid serious injury, remove from the heat and allow to cool completely before using.

Herbal enemas to heal and cleanse

Herbal enemas are thought to be absorbed through the intestinal walls and directly into the bloodstream, assisting with healing and detoxification. Depending on the benefits you seek, you could use a variety of herbs in this enema solution. Consider a herbal enema to be a more potent and effective herbal tea.

Chamomile is one of the commonly used herbal enemas. The calming and relaxing properties of chamomile are well-known. Chamomile relaxes the colon, which can help to relieve intestinal cramps and spasms caused by gut inflammation. It can also help you in unwinding and fall asleep faster if taken before bedtime. Chamomile enemas are also thought to help with hemorrhoids.

How to make a chamomile enema solution

Boil a quart of filtered water and add chamomile flowers or tea bags to infuse. After straining the flowers, add another quart of cool water to the pot. Allow the liquid to cool to a lukewarm temperature.

Garlic enemas for candida and parasites

Garlic has antiviral, antibacterial, antiparasitic, antifungal, and antiparasitic properties. It helps to strengthen your immune system. Garlic enemas can help the body rid itself of parasites and kill candida. Garlic also aids in the elimination of mucus and toxins from the colon. Garlic is a suspect food on the Bulletproof Diet Roadmap because it inhibits alpha brain waves and can make emotional regularity more difficult. Choose high-quality garlic and don’t use it on a regular basis to avoid mold. Also, if you use garlic in your enema, you should avoid being around people because the allicin (the active ingredient in garlic) will absorb into your colon and leave you smelling like garlic.

How do you make a garlic enema?

Crush five garlic cloves and soak in 1 quart of warm, filtered water for at least 15 minutes. After straining the water, start the enema.

Gut inflammation can be treated with a probiotic enema.

You’ve probably heard that the microbiome plays an important role in your health, from how your immune system works to how your brain functions. Incorporating a probiotic into an enema solution aids in the colonization of beneficial bacteria in the gut. Because they are not passing through the digestive system, they have a better chance of surviving.

A probiotic enema can improve your brain health as well as reduce gut inflammation and colonize healthy bacteria. Learn more about the gut-brain connection and how a healthy gut can help you have less brain fog, better vitamin and mineral absorption, and a better mood.

Lactobacillus (L) reuteri enema solution was used in a randomized clinical trial for children ages 6 to 18 with mild to moderate ulcerative colitis. For eight weeks, the patients were given an enema with the solution. Thirty-one patients completed the study, with the L. reuteri group showing a significant reduction in inflammation when compared to the placebo group. Clinical remission was 31% in the L. reuteri group and none in the placebo group.

What is a probiotic enema solution, and how do you make one?

1 teaspoon powdered probiotic (Lactobacillus Plantarum, Bifidobacterium lactis, and Bifidobacterium longum are recommended) and 2 quarts of warm, filtered water are all you need for this recipe.

Use as an enema solution by mixing the powder with water until it dissolves. Use this enema on a regular basis to boost your gut bacteria.

Constipation can be treated with an Epsom salt enema.

An Epsom salt enema is similar to a water enema, but it can help cleanse the colon and relieve constipation more effectively. Epsom salts help to relax the intestinal muscles by drawing more water from the intestine into the colon. Magnesium deficiency is the cause of this. The magnesium sulphate also aids in liver detoxification.

How to make an enema solution with Epsom salts

This is a simple and quick solution. Simply combine 4 tablespoons Epsom salts with 8 cups warm, filtered water. Use the enema kit and make sure it’s not too hot.

Don’t use this enema too often because it draws out too much water and can cause dehydration. When using an enema solution, remember to stay hydrated.

PH balance with a lemon juice enema

Lemons are well-known for their ability to help maintain a healthy pH balance in the body (not the pH of blood). One of the advantages of using lemon juice as an enema solution is this. It helps to keep the pH of the colon in check and may help to alleviate colitis pain. Lemon juice is an excellent cleansing enema for getting rid of excess poop in the colon. A lemon juice enema solution can be made in a variety of ways.

2 quarts warm water + 2/3 cup freshly squeezed (and strained) lemon juice. Keep in mind that it should be lukewarm, not hot. Combine the ingredients and use them with your enema kit. Use this enema no more than once a week to avoid irritation of the intestinal lining, and hold it in for only a few minutes, not too long.

How often to do enemas

Consult your doctor about how often you can safely do enemas if you have a chronic illness. It’s common to recommend taking it twice a day, up to four times a day. If you don’t have any chronic issues and just want to keep your bowels moving, once a week should suffice.


  • If you have a leaky rectum, make sure the nozzle is inserted at least 2 inches into it.
  • Close the clamp, turn from side to side, and take a few deep breaths if you get a cramp while the liquid is flowing in. In most cases, the cramp will dissipate quickly.
  • It’s normal to hear gurgling and squirting sounds. This is your body’s way of getting rid of toxins.


  • Consult your doctor before performing an enema if you have a serious condition.
  • Enemas performed on a regular basis may result in electrolyte imbalances. Dehydration and mineral loss can be a side effects, so make sure you stay hydrated and supplemented.
  • Before performing the enema, make sure the liquid has cooled to room temperature. It can burn the rectum and colon if it’s too hot, necessitating surgery. Many people have had to learn this the hard way.
  • If you’re constipated, don’t force yourself to hold in the enema solution or to poop afterward.
Cary Grant
Cary Grant
Cary Grant, the enigmatic wordsmith hailing from the UK, is a literary maestro known for unraveling the intricacies of life's myriad questions. With a flair for delving into countless niches, Grant captivates readers with his insightful perspectives on issues that resonate with millions. His prose, a symphony of wit and wisdom, transcends boundaries, offering a unique lens into the diverse tapestry of human curiosity. Whether exploring the complexities of culture, unraveling philosophical conundrums, or addressing the everyday mysteries that perplex us all, Cary Grant's literary prowess transforms the ordinary into extraordinary, making him a beacon of intellectual exploration.


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